Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Voice of Experience

The Port Adelaide Branch of the CPA was recently honoured to welcome Rex Munn, long-time MUA and former Waterside Workers Federation member to speak to its regular meeting. Rex was able to speak from experience over many years in the struggles in the community and on the waterfront.

Rex recalled the anti-communist bill (1950), the campaign on the waterfront against asbestos, the Vietnam War, the fight against apartheid and the movement to have Aboriginal people accorded full democratic rights. Although all of these actions taught important lessons for today’s struggle, the fight against Robert "Pig Iron" Menzies’ anti-communist bill and the 1956 wharfies’ strike yielded particularly significant insights. Click here to read more...

Monday, August 07, 2006

Protests Continue...

A group of around 150 people continued the protest against Israel’s unwarranted attack on Lebanon at a Hiroshima Day rally on the steps of Adelaide’s Parliament House on Saturday. Click here to read on.

Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Cuban Comrade Meets with CPA Members...

Cuban parliamentarian and trade union official Gilda Chacon-Bravo (pron. Hilda) was in Adelaide last week as part of the national tour organised by the Western Australian Branch of the Construction Forestry Mining and Energy Union. During the three days she was here Gilda met with officials from the CFMEU, spoke at a meeting of SA Unions as well as a public meeting arranged by the Australia-Cuba Friendship Society, and attended a parliamentary luncheon in her honour.

Click here to read the article in full.